Deck cost calculator

Use the sliders below to get an estimate of what your new deck will cost. See notes and instructions below for more information.

Estimate: $4800.00

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Notes & instructions

This is the small-screen version of our deck construction cost calculator. It has been simplified and only gives a rough cost estimate.

The full-screen version, for which you will need to use a tablet, laptop or PC, goes into much greater detail.

The rules of thumb for using this version of the calculator are:

  1. The higher off the ground your deck is the more it wll cost per square metre. The $400 per square-metre default value is for decks less than 60cm off the ground. Add $100 per square metre for every 2 metres your deck will be from ground level (use an average height).
  2. Site conditions also effect the per square metre cost. Flat ground with stable soil is the easiest to build on. Slightly sloping ground adds about $50 per square metre. Steep ground can add as much as $150 per square metre, eg. if it is rocky.
  3. If your deck is more than 60cm above ground level you will require a balustrade. The cost of the balustrade must be added to the total cost show above.
  4. The more luxurious your balustrade, the higher the cost. Timber and wire balustrades are the cheapest - about $200 per linear metre. Glass balustrades are the most expensive - about $300 per metre.
  5. If you live in a bushfire prone area costs jump dramatically because you must comply with Australian Standards AS3959 and you are not permitted to use timber. You really need to get some quotes if you want to build a deck in a bushfire prone area.

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