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Vaccinium sp (Blueberry)

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Helpful articles

Green walls (or Vertical Garden). Learn how to create an amazing vertical garden wall using a variety of plants including herbs.

Choosing a landscaper. Top tips for choosing the best landscaping company for your home or business.

Hedges. This article explains how to care for and maintain your Australian hedge.

Stone Gabion fencing and retaining walls. Gabion is a wire basket or wire form, filled with stones and shaped into a fence or retaining wall type structure. Read this article to learn more.

Plant description


Blueberries are a perennial semi-deciduous shrub that is ornamental as well as producing tasty, healthy fruit. There are now varieties that will suit the warmer Australian conditions.

Blueberries grow well in acid soil high in organic matter. They like well drained soil, and appreciate regular watering and fertilising. They grow well as a container plant. Protection from birds is desirable.

Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, and also have anti-inflammatory properties. 

For a list of varieties suitable for Australian conditions, and more information, go to blueberries




Additional plant information


Flower colour: White
Flowering season: spring summer

Plant size

Maximum height: 3 metres
Minimum height: 0.3 metres

Maximum width: 2 metres
Minimum width: not specified

Sunlight, frost & salt tolerance

This plant will tolerate full sunlight.
High frost tolerance.
Plant is not salt tolerant.

Fauna attracting?

Yes. Attracts: Birds and possums.


This plant species will grow in the following climates: cool, temperate, subtropical.

Soil types & conditions

Loam: moist, well-drained.

Clay: moist, well-drained.

Sand: moist.

Soil pH: 4.5-5.5

Miscellaneous information

Planting season: all.

Types of fertiliser: Good general purpose fertiliser applied regularly through the growing season.

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