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[title] => Combating to much rain - 8 top tips
[heading] => Combating too much rain - 8 top tips
[meta_description] => Tips for the gardener on how to cope with lots of rain.
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[url] => /gardening/winter-flowering-plants-for-the-garden.php
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[last_modified_date] => 2013-09-16 00:00:00
[last_modified_by] => Alan
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[title] => Winter Flowering Plants for the Garden
[heading] => Winter Flowering Plants for the Garden
[meta_description] => No Australian garden need be free of flowers in winter. Read this article to learn about some great winter flowering plants.
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[last_modified_date] => 2013-09-16 00:00:00
[last_modified_by] => Alan
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[title] => Australian Native Orchids
[heading] => Australian Native Orchids
[meta_description] => Native orchids range from the spectacular epiphytic (growing on trees) and lithophytic (growing on rocks) species of the tropical jungles and warmer areas of Australia, to the intricately subtle terrestrial (growing in the ground) species found throughout the dry eucalypts forests throughout the continent.
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[id] => 521
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[url] => /gardening/attracting-fauna-to-your-garden.php
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[last_modified_date] => 2013-09-16 00:00:00
[last_modified_by] => Alan
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[title] => Attracting fauna to your garden
[heading] => Attracting fauna to your garden
[meta_description] => This article explains how you can attract native australian wildlife to your garden.
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Helpful articles Combating too much rain - 8 top tips . Tips for the gardener on how to cope with lots of rain.
Winter Flowering Plants for the Garden . No Australian garden need be free of flowers in winter. Read this article to learn about some great winter flowering plants.
Australian Native Orchids . Native orchids range from the spectacular epiphytic (growing on trees) and lithophytic (growing on rocks) species of the tropical jungles and warmer areas of Australia, to the intricately subtle terrestrial (growing in the ground) species found throughout the dry eucalypts forests throughout the continent.
Attracting fauna to your garden . This article explains how you can attract native australian wildlife to your garden.
Plant description
Banksia 'Birthday Candles' is a terrific, dense compact small shrub that is perfect for rockeries and smaller gardens, whether mass planted for dramatic effect, in small groups or in containers on the patio, verandah or deck. It is a great hardy shrub, and looks good with minimal care.It likes a sunny to part shaded spot. Drought and frost tolerant, it is also good for coastal gardens.
Further reading: Growing Banksias (an article written by native plant expert Angus Stewart).
Additional plant information
Flower colour: orangeFlowering season: autumn winter
Plant size
Maximum height: 0.5 metresMinimum height: 0.5 metres
Maximum width: 0.5 metresMinimum width: 0.5 metres
Sunlight, frost & salt tolerance
This plant will tolerate full or partial sunlight. Light frost tolerance. Plant is salt tolerant.
Fauna attracting?
Yes. Attracts: birds.
This plant species will grow in the following climates: temperate, subtropical.
Soil types & conditions
Loam: dry, moist, well-drained.
Clay: not suitable.
Sand: dry, moist, well-drained.
Miscellaneous information
Native to: Australia.
Planting season: not specified.
Types of fertiliser: not specified.
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